reflection: For my jigsaw project I did research about a web 2.0 tool called Prezi. It was a lot of fun to work with. Basically it's just like powerpoint except there's a lot more you can do with it. It uses zoom technology to magnify a specific image you want to look at. It is a big help to people who are visual learners. Prezi has many uses in the classroom and I hope that I can use it in my future teaching.
INTASC standard- instructional practice standards 6 and 7.
assessment (6)- teacher understands and uses multiple assessments to engage learners in their own growth, monitor learner progress and to guide the teacher and learner's decision making
planning for instruction(7)- the teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross disciplinary skills and pedagogy as well as knowledge of learners and community content.
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